Rebuilding Your Body After A Strenuous Workout With Food - Electrolytes

Electrolytes: Loss of fluid is not the only concern with excessive sweating during exercise. Minerals such as potassium and sodium are also excreted through the pores. These minerals, called electrolytes, are important for normal body function. Potassium is involved in many vital processes such as muscle contraction, heart function, and maintaining fluid balance. Sodium, which is a component of salt, is also involved in maintenance of fluid balance.

It is easy to replenish electrolytes with post-exercise foods. Some popular recovery drinks such as Gatorade and PowerAde are surprisingly low in potassium, so it is wise to have on hand some high potassium foods to eat after exercise. Examples include potatoes, yogurt, orange juice, bananas, pineapple juice and raisins.

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